Feb 25, 2010

Little Ring Snowflake

I started on a simple snowflake

This is Vida Sunderman's snowflake called the Little Ring Snowflake. I made a few changes to the pattern. As the pattern was tatted using size 10 thread and I was using size 20, I doubled the ds count. I was doubtful how it would turn out.

It has been tatted in Lizbeth size 20, Butterfly Breeze. This color is absolutely lovely.


  1. The snowflake turned out beautifully! And that color is wonderful - gives me hope for spring as I look out over my snow-covered yard :)

  2. Very pretty snowflake!! I'm glad to see this color Butterfly Breeze tatted up. I wondered how it would look. The color is more vibrant than I thought it would be. Happy Tatting!

  3. Very pretty! I, too, am glad to see this colour worked up. I like it.

    Fox : )

  4. That is very pretty! Love the color! It's so nice to see other tatters' work to see if it's something I'd like to do! Thread always takes one a whole new life when it's tatted up. :)

  5. Thanks Cindy, Carol, Fox and Tatting Chic for your lovely comments. Carol, this color is slightly softer than it appears in the photograph. I agree with Cindy this color is just like its name butterflies, breeze and spring. I am glad you all like this color. I am going to tat and put up all the new shades I have added on.


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