Oct 7, 2010

Rythmn in Tatting

When I select a pattern for tatting there are many things that serve as a criteria for selection, the appearance of the item, techniques used,  thread availability and of course the ds count. I always prefer to tat patterns which are diagrammed, and if the diagram is not available I convert the written pattern into a diagram. I prefer patterns which have consistency in the  ds count, like  5-5-5-5 or a 5-10-5 or a 3-6-3. Believe it or not sometimes I sing along as I tat  la..la 5..trala .5...ula...5..mula. ..5.....  , this is very relaxing and the tatting comes out neater as well. 

My latest addition to the collection of doiles I have tatted is a very rythmic pretty piece, with a simple ds count, it is called the Hexagonal mat and is from the tatting book by Gun Blomqvist. I have used split rings to move from one daisy to the next to avoid the tedious process of hiding too many thread ends. The thread used is Red Rose size 20, colors are light pink and dark raspberry.

If you listen to music while you tat, it will also have a favorable outcome which will be visible in your tatting.

Happy Tatting!


  1. That is a beautiful piece.
    Fox : )

  2. Your doily looks nice in those colors. Neat idea about singing your stitches.
    I actually started this doily years ago, in a large, soft thread. As I didn't know about split rings yet there were a lot of ends to hide. Between all the ends and the thread, which I ended up not liking at all, I have an unfinished piece that I can't throw away but don't want to finish. I like your version much, much better!

  3. Thanks Fox, Tattrldy...I am pleased with the outcome...Tattrldy probably you should tat another version of this doily using split rings.


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