Feb 26, 2010

A simple pair of beaded earrings

These hoop earrings were not planned. I decided to do them at the spur of the moment without following any pattern. It was an experiment that worked out somehow. I am not happy with the beads because they are uneven and this has effected the neatness of my work. The thread used is Lizbeth size 20 and the color is Butterfly Breeze. This thread is very smooth and fine. I would recommend it for beading projects as it is easy to slide the beads up and down.


  1. I think the earrings look great. I like the placement of the beads you used. This is the color you used on the doily the other day. I really like this color and think I will have to get a ball of it now. Thanks for sharing. Happy Tatting!

  2. What a pretty set of earings and I love the colour as well!!!!!!

  3. Thanks Carol and TypsTatting! Now I am surely going to make more earrings.

  4. These earrings are amazingly beautiful.

  5. The earings are nice and turned out well. If you want perfect symmetry with the beads you have to change to delicas. Nice work!

  6. Welcome to the 25-Motif Challenge! These earrings are very pretty! I'll be ordering that Lizbeth thread.

    I'm catching up on your blog and posts. The doilies on your blog header are gorgeous, as are those featured in your posts. You've been quite busy since 2006 when you started tatting again. How nice that your mother was your teacher!

    I'm fascinated by the 'motif' from Gun Blomqvist, which you expanded into a doily. Thanks for sharing that tutorial!

    Is the doily in your own lovely HDT (post of Oct 5) your own pattern? Very attractive!

    I'm certainly looking forward to seeing more of your work!

  7. Thanks Carla and Victats for your lovely comments. I will definately be ordering the delicas beads soon.

  8. Kathy, thanks for visiting my blog and sharing your thoughts. The doily pattern I have tatted using my own HDT is from the site nuperelle.net. Do visit it, there are lovely patterns of motifs and small doilies.


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