Feb 23, 2010

Mary Konior and Sherbet Delight

Late last night I decided to tat earrings using an original and unique pattern. As I was flipping through the pages of Mary Konior's book "Tatting with Visual Patterns"  I came across a motif which could be adapted well to make earrings. I especially liked the shape of this small motif as it looked like a bell . These earrings are tatted in Lizbeth size 20, the color is Sherbet Delight.

This motif is Masquerade by Mary Konior, it has been tatted in Lizbeth size 20, colors used are Sherbet Delight and Rasberry Pink light.


  1. Lovely earrings and beautiful motif !!! Color is very pretty :))

  2. Sherbet Delight is one of my new favorite colors. I don't know why, but this color makes me smile!! I agree that this motif makes a lovely shaped earring. I also like the color combo in the motif. Happy Tatting!!

  3. 'Masquerade' is such a pretty [pattern and looks great in this thread.
    Fox : )

  4. Thank you, Patrycja, Carol and Fox for leaving such lovely comments.


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