Oct 5, 2009

Some simple tatting

I decided to leave the complicated tatting and go in for something simple, just rings and chains.
For this small doily I have used my own HDT in size 20 Anchor.

Usually I tat at a leisurely pace, I am never in a hurry.

It is finally complete and I tried to experiment by taking photographs using two different backgrounds. Here are the results.

You can see it made all the difference, one is subtle and the other is bright.

I am trying to finish unfinished  projects. I had an unfinished bookmark lying with me for really long, so I added a twisted tail and finished of with a sweet little flower.


  1. OOOOOh, love the HDT and such a pretty motif too.

  2. Thanks for appreciating my thread and motif. It feels good especially because the comment is coming from you.

  3. Beautiful tatting - and I love the HDT!
    Fox : )


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