Aug 29, 2009

About me

I learnt to tatting many years back from my mother but I was not involved in this intricate craft until 2006. Thanks to the internet which gives us the opportunity to learn and share techniques and patterns.

This pineapple doily is from Teri Dusenbury's site. It has been tatted using Anchor size 20 thread.

The above motif is from the DMC tatting book. It is an easy pattern with 2 split rings. The thread used is Cebelia 20, color pretty pink. It makes a pretty motif .

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Your tatting is splendid and charming and elegant, all at the same time.

    How lucky we (not a royal we, I assure you...) are that you decided to start a tatting blog. Can't wait to see more of your wonderful work!

    And please accept this humble post as a warm and hearty welcome to tat-land!


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